What's New
in Epilepsy

We can’t wait to see you in person!

After two long years, Epilepsy Toronto is finally able to resume in-person service delivery to you and your family.  We can’t wait to see you!

In order to do this safely, we need to do all we can to ensure that our office remains a COVID free environment.

Please, if you have been diagnosed with COVID anytime within the past 14 days, we respectfully ask that you refrain from visiting the office.  Your counsellor will be happy to serve you virtually or reschedule your appointment.

Similarly, stay home if:

A hand on a door handle
  • You’ve recently had close contact with anyone with a confirmed case of COVID-19 or acute respiratory Illness
  • You have ONE or more of the following symptoms (that is new or worsening)
    • Fever (37. 8˚ C or higher) and/or chills
    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath or trouble breathing
    • Decreased or loss of taste or smell
  • You have TWO or more of the following symptoms (that is new or worsening)
    • Runny nose or nasal congestion
    • Headache
    • Extreme fatigue or tiredness
    • Sore throat
    • Muscle aches or joint pain
    • Gastrointestinal symptoms (such as vomiting or diarrhea)

And we will do the same.  Any of us that are ill or exhibiting the above symptoms will stay away from the office, so as not to expose you unnecessarily.  The way we see it, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.  (The Ontario Government provides a useful self-assessment tool: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/self-assessment/)

To be extra safe, for the present time:

  • Staff and visitors will be required to sign a register upon arrival at the office.  This will expedite contact tracing in the event of an outbreak.
  • Air purifiers with Hepa filters have been purchased for the office.
  • Staff and visitors are encouraged to wear face masks while in shared space at the office.
  • Social distancing will be respected, where possible, and Plexiglas stands made available as protective barriers.
  • We’ll control the number of staff and visitors at the office at any given time, to reduce contact.
  • Hand sanitation stations will be positioned at the entrance to the office, and staff and visitors are required to wash frequently.  Key touch points at the office (door handles, desks, etc.) will be sanitized regularly.
  • Building management has sanitizer in the main foyer, as well, and is limiting the number of people permitted in the elevator at any given time. Visitors are free to use the stairs if preferred.

We truly appreciate your patience and understanding.

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us at any time!
[email protected]

Thank you!!