Many of our Support Groups now take place online. For up-to-date information on specific groups, please check our EVENTS CALENDAR.
Please note: all new group attendees must have an individual counselling session prior to joining a group.
If you are interested in receiving services at Epilepsy Toronto, please complete an intake form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
For specific dates of any of our upcoming support groups, please visit our Calendar.
Children, Youth, and Parent Support Groups
Young Adults Living with Epilepsy Support Group
First Wednesday of each month, 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Are you looking to meet other young adults who have epilepsy, to share stories, resources, and transitional concerns? The Young Adults Support Group is a place where individuals with epilepsy can connect with other individuals while in an encouraging, supportive, and empowering environment.
Talking to other individuals with similar stories and experiences has proven to be beneficial for all members involved. Whether it’s to talk about what it’s like to have epilepsy, issues you may face with epilepsy, or suggestions on how to manage one’s epilepsy, one’s possible feelings of social stigmatization or seclusion may be diminished because of the connections you will make in the Young Adults Support Group.

Youth Support Group
We are not currently running a Youth Support Group but instead, our Children and Youth Services Department is organizing social events and workshops for youth throughout the year. To learn more, contact Elana Ellison.
Parents Of Young Children, Youth and Young Adults Living with Epilepsy Support Group
Third Wednesday of every month, 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
A support group for parents of children aged 0 to 24, living with epilepsy. An opportunity for parents to connect with others who are going through similar challenges, to talk about their issues, to share their experiences, and to learn from each other.
Parents Of Adults Living with Epilepsy Support Group
Last Wednesday of every other month, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
A support group for parents of adults living with epilepsy. This support group is led by a peer facilitator and welcomes new participants to join in and learn from other parents who “get it.” Access peer support, learn about helpful resources and connect with other caregivers through sharing experiences.
Sibs Group
A weekday afternoon, 4:30-5:45 pm. The group runs every other month during the school year. Please visit our events calendar for more specific dates.
An opportunity for children ages 7-13, who have a sibling with epilepsy, to virtual meet online with other kids who have a sibling with epilepsy. A chance for them to learn about epilepsy in a fun way, share experiences and connect through games and hands-on activities.
Interested in one of our support groups? Please speak to your Epilepsy Toronto counsellor to see if it is a good fit for you. If you don’t yet have a counsellor, please complete an intake form, to begin the process.
Adult Support Groups
This is an evidence-based 8-week mindfulness-based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) group for people impacted by epilepsy and depression/anxiety. You may not be formally diagnosed with anxiety or depression but find yourself stressed and overwhelmed by the impact of seizures on either yourself or the family member you care for.
We offer multiple UPLIFT programs including UPLIFT for Adults, UPLIFT for Caregivers and UPLIFT for Employment.

Adults with Epilepsy (AWE)
Third Tuesday of each month, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Come be a part of a support group that provides you with an opportunity to connect with other adults living with epilepsy, learn more about epilepsy and share your feelings and concerns in a warm and supportive environment.
Professionals Living With Epilepsy Support Group
First Tuesday of each month, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
You are a lawyer, a nurse, a social worker, an investment banker, a marketing professional, an accountant or any other professional. You wonder, is it just me? Can I find others who are working in competitive high-stress job who also have epilepsy?
This group is for you. Come meet an amazing group of professionals who can identify with where you are and what you are going through.
Partners and Adult Family Members of People Living with Epilepsy Support Group
This group meets virtually, four times annually, on a Monday from 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Please visit our events calendar for more specific dates.
Epilepsy often affects the people closest to the person with epilepsy and partners and family members know this firsthand. How do I provide support while not being over-protective? What if my loved one’s epilepsy is affecting our relationship? The Partners and Adult Family Members Group provides the opportunity for you to meet and share with others who are similarly affected. It is proven that the people best equipped to give advice on how to manage, are others who are faced with the same issue. Connect with others who can provide perspective, if not solutions to help you better support your loved one.
New & Expecting Parents Meet – Up
Online three times a year, on a Tuesday, from 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Please visit our events calendar for more specific dates.
This group is especially for people living with epilepsy who are considering becoming parents, are having children or have recently become parents. It’s a chance to share fears, concerns and experiences. It’s also an opportunity to get up-to-date and relevant information from one another and from group facilitator, Adult Services Director, Rosie Smith, that will help ensure safer pregnancy and child-rearing practices.
Friday Recreation Group
This social group meets every Friday, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., alternating between online and in-person.
Having epilepsy can be pretty isolating, especially for those who have frequent uncontrolled seizures. Due to the severe impact of epilepsy, some of these persons are unable to work full-time. If you are at home on a Friday, want to hang out with others, share a meal, play games, see a movie, go bowling or see a Blue Jays game; this group is for you. It’s casual! It’s fun! It’s interactive!
Surgery Support Group
Held online quarterly, on a Wednesday from 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Hosted in partnership with Toronto Western Hospital’s Epilepsy Program
This group seeks to bring together people with epilepsy who have done surgery with those who are considering surgery as a treatment option. The decision to do brain surgery is a complex one; one that has to be weighed in light of risks vs benefits. Connecting with others who have been there can help with the decision-making process.

Peer Support
If you cannot come to a group meeting but you would like to connect with another member who has done surgery, we can arrange peer support for you.
Epilepsy Employment Group (EEG)
Weekly on Thursdays, 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Epilepsy Employment Group (EEG) is a Job Search Support Group for people living with epilepsy. Meetings will alternate between a featured topic and general discussion. Whether discussing memory, stress, accommodations, disclosure, and any other of a number of topics, EEG offers a program in a safe space that’s informative, practical, and supportive. Please feel free to join in and meet some new people, swap points of view, and learn a thing or two.
This group is hosted by our Employment Services Department.
To join any of our support groups, one must first meet with an Epilepsy Toronto counsellor. If you are interested, please complete an intake form, to begin the process.
For more specific dates for any of our groups, please visit our calendar of events.