Epilepsy Toronto
1425 Bayview Avenue, Suite 101, Toronto, ON, M4G 3A9
Phone: (416) 964-9095
Fax: (416) 964-2492
[email protected]
Our office is a scent-reduced environment.

To access any of our services, please complete an intake form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
To refer a client, please click HERE and download our referral form.
To book a presentation, please click HERE to access our online presentation request form.
To sign up for Epilepsy Toronto ENews, please click HERE.
Contact Us
Our Team

Geoff Bobb
Hey there. My name’s Geoff and I am the Executive Director at Epilepsy Toronto. It’s my job to ensure that things run smoothly around here, and that people with epilepsy and their families in this community get the support and information they need to live well with epilepsy.
I view our agency as a sort of home away from home for its members; a place where one can be loved and accepted unconditionally, connect with others who share a common bond, and turn to for help when needed the most. It’s more than a professional service organization. It’s family. And I’m passionately committed to ensuring that family is as vibrant and strong as it can be.
I am blessed with an amazing team of staff and volunteers who share that passion, and honoured to work at their side on your behalf.
If there is any way that we can be of service to you and your family, I’d love to hear from you. Perhaps there’s something new or different you would have us provide, or some way that we could improve? I welcome your feedback. And I invite you to get involved. Volunteers and donors are the backbone of this organization. Without their contributions and support, we simply could not exist.

Stephanie Aniol, MSW, RSW

Katie Armstrong, MSW, RSW

Michelle Edmunds

Elana Ellison, MA, CCLS

Jamie Everitt, BSW, RSW

Brandon Fairley

Lucia Gustave

Noura Hamade

Carter Hammett

Danielle Hidber

Joanna Kapusta

Mackenzie Muldoon

Nicole Nelson

Eden Peters, MSc, CCLS

Jesse Preston

Anchugan Sivagnanam, MSW, RSW

Rosalee (Rosie) Smith, MA, RP

Kirsten Sixt

John Spataro
Hi, my name is John and I am the Recreation Group Coordinator here at Epilepsy Toronto. In this role, I have the opportunity and privilege of developing and supervising social and recreational activities and events for adults living with epilepsy. A graduate from the University of Toronto, specializing in Biology and Psychology, my background includes years of experience supervising, counselling and motivating children and adults living with a wide range of physical and intellectual disabilities; one-to-one work with children on the autism spectrum; as well as my 10 years of Crisis Intervention experience at Toronto East General Hospital’s Emergency Department, assessing and providing treatment for patients in crisis. All this, in addition to my work as a member of the Risk Management Disability, Diversity, and Inclusion committee while working in the financial industry, have afforded me the ability to create unique experiences for members attending the Recreation Group. I am committed to making sure attending members always feel welcome, feel that they are in a safe, inclusive, empowering environment, find meaning and purpose in the activities they participate in, all while having fun and making friends along the way.
If you would like more information or are interested in joining our Recreation group, please email me at [email protected].

Leah Sultan-Khan, EdD, MA, CHES