We want to see your #PurplePride!
You’re invited to our Virtual Purple Walk Celebration Ceremony on June 19th @ 3:00PM!

Virtual Purple Walk for Epilepsy Toronto
The 2021 Virtual Purple Walk is all about showing your #PurplePride!
We want YOU to come up with your own 1 in 100 #PurplePride Challenge to honour the 1 in 100 people in Canada who are living with epilepsy. All of the funds raised from your #PurplePride Challenge will help support people and their loved ones living with epilepsy.
Register for this year’s Virtual Purple Walk by clicking the button below and start fundraising for your #PurplePride Challenge today!

#PurplePride Community Corner
We want to share your #PurplePride stories!
Start your #PurplePride Challenge today – or support someone else’s! Just click on the button below.
What’s the #PurplePride Challenge?!
From the moment you register for the Virtual Purple Walk, you’ll get access to your personal fundraising page where YOU get to tell your own story and start your #PurplePride Challenge!
Make your #PurplePride Challenge something that will be a fun way to talk to your friends, family, and community about epilepsy.
During your challenge, take a video, pictures, or write about it and share it on your social media to help spread the word about the Virtual Purple Walk (don’t forget to use the hashtag #PurplePride and tag Epilepsy Toronto).
Get creative for your #PurplePride Challenge! You can do ANYTHING 100 times to represent the 1 in 100 people living with epilepsy. Here are some great ideas:
- Meditation Minutes: Commit to 100 minutes of yoga or calming meditation
- The Big Time Builder: Make a structure or a sculpture with 100 different items
- The Musician: Sing 100 different songs or put on a 100 minute virtual fundraising concert (we would love to share it with everyone here too!)
- The Great Outdoors: Do you like to run, walk, kayak, or bike? You could calculate 100 km and travel it over the course of days or weeks
- Sweet Tooth: Bake 100 things like cookies or muffins and give them to your community or your donors
- The Da Vinci: Draw, paint, collage, or design 100 different art projects

This year to say thank you for all that you do, and to help boost your #PurplePride, we are giving out Virtual Purple Walk prizes!
Raise $50 = 1 #PurplePride mask
Raise $100 = 2 #PurplePride masks and 1 #PurplePride tote bag
Raise $250 = 2 #PurplePride masks, 1 #PurplePride tote bag, 1 #PurplePride water bottle
Raise $500 = 4 #PurplePride masks, 2 #PurplePride tote bags, 2 #PurplePride water bottles

Jarrett is back as YOUR Virtual Purple Walk Co-ordinator. Your guide, your friend, your helper; here to assist you with anything you might need! That means help with your fundraising page, your #PurplePride Challenge or answering any questions you may have.
You can email Jarrett at walk@epilepsytoronto.org.