Our Adult Services team strives to empower our clients with the resources and tools they need to cope with epilepsy and other seizure disorders and to improve their quality of life.
Our Adult Services team provides support to adults with epilepsy and their families/caregivers. We aim to provide services that are collaborative and person-centered in a warm and accepting environment. We are here for you!
To access our services, please complete an intake form, so you can be added to our waitlist for services. Note that wait times vary (a few days to 4 weeks) depending on your needs and the availability of the appropriate staff. Please be patient with us as we address those ahead of you on the waitlist.
You may be referred to other community agencies if your needs/issues fall outside our scope of practice.
Some of the services we offer include:
- Epilepsy fundamentals (education for newly diagnosed and new clients)
- Counseling to manage the impact of epilepsy
- Self-management strategies
- Support for those preparing for epilepsy surgery
- System navigation
- Peer support
- Select services for functional seizures (See Functional Seizure page)
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy group (UPLIFT)
- Support Groups – details here
- Webinars and information sessions (periodically)
- ACT for Caregivers – coming soon
- Self-Management (SMART) group – coming soon
Our counsellors will conduct an intake session to learn more about you and then will recommend further services to best meet your needs. To request an intake session, please complete an intake form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
To learn more about our services, upcoming workshops and support groups, and to stay up-to-date with the latest Epilepsy Toronto news, sign up for our monthly Adult Services ENews.
If you are looking for recreational activities to connect with others and enjoy a variety of fun activities within a supportive community setting, visit the Recreation Services page and find our more information.
In addition to our counselling services, please see below to learn more about some of the ongoing support groups that we offer.
People with epilepsy and seizure disorders often express feelings of isolation because oftentimes, they don’t know many (or any) other people who experience seizures. Our groups provide individuals with a shared sense of support and connection.
- Adults with Epilepsy
- Professionals Living with Epilepsy
- Partners and Family Members of People Living with Epilepsy
- Parents of Young Children living with Epilepsy
- Parents of Teens living with Epilepsy
- Parents of Adults living with Epilepsy
- Friday Recreation Group
- Surgery Support Group
- Expecting and New Parent Support Group
To join any of our Support Groups you first need to have an intake session with one of our counsellors. Please complete an intake form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
For more information on any of our support groups please click HERE.
UPLIFT stands for Using Practice and Learning to Increase Favorable Thoughts.
You may not be formally diagnosed with anxiety or depression but find yourself stressed and overwhelmed by the impact of seizures on either yourself or a family member who you care for. This evidence-based 8-week mindfulness-based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) group for people impacted by epilepsy and depression/anxiety can help you. For more information on UPLIFT, please click HERE.
SMART Program
The focus of SMART is to help individuals with epilepsy feel more confident in coping with and managing their health. SMART may also help reduce how often a participant has seizures or needs to go to the hospital or emergency department. An important part of SMART is learning from each other. Click HERE to learn more about the SMART Program.
ACT For Caregivers
ACT stands for Acceptance and Commitment Training.
This 5-session weekly therapeutic group for caregivers seeks to help individuals struggle less with difficult experiences and feelings and to mindfully connect with things that are most important.
The ACT for Caregivers program was created by clinicians, caregivers, and researchers at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) and University Health Network (UHN). Our team at Epilepsy Toronto has been trained in this approach and is excited to offer this innovative program to parents and caregivers in Ontario who are experiencing stress, low mood, or worry in their role caring for a child or an adult (of any age) living with epilepsy.
Click HERE for more information about the ACT For Caregivers program.