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in Epilepsy

Sign the Petition to Make Police Epilepsy Training Mandatory

Epilepsy Toronto is aware of an incident in Hamilton involving a Canadian Tire employee with epilepsy and local law enforcement. We are saddened to hear of the altercation that escalated allegedly due to the individual who had, or was experiencing a seizure at the time.

Unfortunately, incidents similar to this one, aren’t uncommon for people living with epilepsy and other seizure disorders. The lack of education and awareness of epilepsy and seizures further puts our community at risk.

As we await more details surrounding the incident, we believe this further emphasizes the need for a greater level of training and knowledge on behalf of first responders about epilepsy, the after-effects of seizures, and how seizures vary and may present differently among individuals.

Currently, there is an elective 40-minute seizure first aid training course that police officers can choose to take, however, we believe that this course should be mandatory for all officers.

Sign the petition to change existing police training for the management of epilepsy and seizures from elective to mandatory.

For more information about seizures and seizure first aid, visit our website: https://epilepsytoronto.org/about-epilepsy/learn-about-epilepsy/seizure-first-aid/

For more information, please contact Epilepsy Toronto at 416 964-9095 or email [email protected]