What's New
in Epilepsy

Top 10 Epilepsy Research Priorities

The Ontario Brain Institute’s (OBI) epilepsy research program (EpLink) has gathered the input of Canadians with epilepsy or seizures and those who care for them to set the priorities for epilepsy research in Canada. The project has identified a top ten list of questions that people living with epilepsy, their family and friends, and healthcare professionals (HCPs) jointly agree are the most important.

This priority setting process follows the methods of the James Lind Alliance (UK) and was funded by OBI.

animation of a diverse collection of people's heads and shoulders, each in little speach bubbles, followed by the list of 10 priorities

The top 10 list will help researchers and research funding organizations better identify what is important to people living with epilepsy and/or seizures as well as their care providers and incorporate their priorities when planning future research projects.