
Friday Recreation Group

Epilepsy Toronto Office 1425 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, MT, Canada

The Friday Recreation Group will begin meeting in-person again, and will alternate between in-person and virtual meetings weekly.   This week will be an IN-PERSON meeting. Having epilepsy can be pretty isolating especially for those who have frequent uncontrolled seizures. Due to the severe impact of epilepsy, some of these persons are unable to work full […]


Support Group For Professionals

Epilepsy Toronto Office 1425 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, MT, Canada

Come out and meet others with similar interests and experiences. Share your thoughts on life with epilepsy and offer and receive support while enjoying great company! For more information contact Rosie Smith at [email protected] or call 416 964-9095 Please note: an individual counselling session is required before joining any of our support groups - please call […]

Adults With Epilepsy

Epilepsy Toronto Office 1425 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, MT, Canada

If you are otherwise engaged during the day and is unable to take advantage of day-time activities at Epilepsy Toronto, then AWE Connection may be just what you need. Come be a part of a support group that provides you with the opportunity to connect with other adults living with epilepsy, learn more about epilepsy […]

CANCELLED – Partners and Family Of People With Epilepsy Support Group

Epilepsy Toronto Office 1425 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, MT, Canada

This group has been cancelled for this month, however, if you are interested in being a part of it in the future, please email [email protected] people whose partners or family members have epilepsy to share your ideas and concerns with others who know exactly what you are going through. Learn new coping techniques and enjoy […]

Support Group For Professionals

Epilepsy Toronto Office 1425 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, MT, Canada

Come out and meet others with similar interests and experiences. Share your thoughts on life with epilepsy and offer and receive support while enjoying great company! For more information contact Rosie Smith at [email protected] or call 416 964-9095 Please note: an individual counselling session is required before joining any of our support groups - please call […]

Adults With Epilepsy

Epilepsy Toronto Office 1425 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, MT, Canada

If you are otherwise engaged during the day and is unable to take advantage of day-time activities at Epilepsy Toronto, then AWE Connection may be just what you need. Come be a part of a support group that provides you with the opportunity to connect with other adults living with epilepsy, learn more about epilepsy […]

Support Group For Professionals

Epilepsy Toronto Office 1425 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, MT, Canada

Come out and meet others with similar interests and experiences. Share your thoughts on life with epilepsy and offer and receive support while enjoying great company! For more information contact Rosie Smith at [email protected] or call 416 964-9095 Please note: an individual counselling session is required before joining any of our support groups - please call […]

Employment Group Orientation

Epilepsy Toronto Office 1425 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, MT, Canada

An opportunity for Job Seekers with Epilepsy to learn about our services and how we can help them reach their employment goals. To RSVP please email Carter at [email protected] or call us at 416-964-9095.

Mindful Mondays with Michael Alex

Epilepsy Toronto Office 1425 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, MT, Canada

Stuck at home while practicing 'physical distancing'? Missing your usual yoga class that helps you relax? We are here to help with that. Epilepsy Toronto presents ...Mindful Mondays with Michael Alex.  WHERE: Virtually using Zoom video conferencing COST: FREE To rsvp and receive weekly Zoom link,  email: Michael Alex, [email protected] classes will be taught by highly trained yoga instructor, Michael […]


CANCELLED – Epilepsy, Nights of Sharing

Epilepsy Toronto Office 1425 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, MT, Canada

Due to concerns around Covid-19, this event has been postponed until a time where it is safe for us to gather together again. Please check back in, for a future date. Stay safe! A four part series aimed at bringing parents of children with drug-resistant epilepsy together to share, connect, empower and learn. Lead by parents, […]