Not sure what do for a dream career? Looking for a change in your humdrum job? Then start here! Holland Codes is a fun, fast-paced interactive workshop that takes you on a journey into careers that you display an interest in. After a short questionnaire that will be completed online, you’ll learn what the codes reveal about how your education and skills measure up to the demands of their career goals.
The Holland Codes is a system to classify jobs into job categories, interest clusters, or work personality environments. In the Holland Model, these categories represent work personalities.
This is often the starting point for career planning and self-exploration. In this fun, interactive online workshop, participants will learn about career preferences and have a chance to explore their “work personalities.” Come learn if you are:
- Realistic – “Do-er”
- Investigative – “Thinker”
- Artistic – “Creator”
- Social – “Helper”
- Enterprising – “Persuader”
- Conventional – “Organizer”
And how these designations can help point you in the right direction!
This workshop run from 1-3pm. For more information contact Carter at