Tag Archives: guest speaker

2022 Epilepsy Toronto AGM

Epilepsy Toronto AGM

Patrick Akos smiling

The Epilepsy Toronto Board of Directors and staff are thrilled to welcome Dr. Patrick Akos, professor, advocate and person living with epilepsy, to be our guest speaker at our Annual General Meeting this year. Dr. Akos will share his dramatic personal story of discovering he had epilepsy, what he has learned on his journey and his priorities for advocacy.

Dr. Patrick Akos’ professional experiences as a teacher, school and college counselor inform his work as a Professor in the School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

In his work with children, adolescents and young adults, he discovered the power of self-awareness and agency toward strengths and well-being (e.g., positive emotion, relationships, engagement, meaning). Especially in vulnerable moments of transition – he promotes hope within students and clients – both goals and pathways to success. In his professional roles, he strives to be empathetic and research informed to co-construct and empower others toward flourishing.

He is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor and Supervisor, as well as a licensed K-12 school counselor and secondary and middle grades teacher in North Carolina. He has served in a variety of leadership roles and was recognized as the American School Counselor Association’s Counselor Educator of the Year.

Overall, he strives to lead, teach, counsel and serve others consistent with a strengths orientation.

This event will take place virtually through Zoom. To receive a link to attend, please click the button below to register.

The 2021 Epilepsy Toronto Annual General Meeting was held virtually on Tuesday, May 25, 2021.  For a copy of the minutes from this meeting, please email mackenzie@epilepsytoronto.org.

2023 Epilepsy Toronto AGM

Epilepsy Toronto AGM

TEst: Epilepsy Toronto Annual General Meeting with Keynote speaker Jennifer Nunes. Image of Jennifer and the front of her book "Making it to Monday".

The Epilepsy Toronto Board of Directors and staff are thrilled to welcome author, Registered Social Work, mother and advocate, Jennifer Nunes to be our guest speaker at our Annual General Meeting this year.

‘Making it to Monday’, Jennifer’s Amazon best-selling book, is an emotional memoir that chronicles the road to recovery following her son’s medical crisis and epilepsy diagnosis that changed the course of her and her family’s lives forever. Jennifer will speak about the strength in vulnerability and the powerful potential we all have within ourselves to create joy and happiness in our lives, even through the chaos and darkness.

This event will take place virtually through Zoom. To receive a link to attend, please click the button below to register.

The 2022 Epilepsy Toronto Annual General Meeting was held virtually on Thursday, May 19, 2022.  For a copy of the minutes from this meeting, please email mackenzie@epilepsytoronto.org.