Stephanie is currently on leave, returning April 2025.
Hi there, I’m Stephanie! I am a Social Worker in Adult Services, here at Epilepsy Toronto. In this role, I have the opportunity to provide counselling, education, resources and advocacy support to people living with epilepsy, and to their partners and families. It’s a privilege to support people as they tap into their resilience! I am committed to working collaboratively and compassionately with clients, in hopes of creating safe, respectful and supportive spaces.
I have a Masters degree in Social Work, and belong to the Ontario College of Social Workers & Social Service Workers and Ontario Association of Social Workers. I come to Epilepsy Toronto after having worked with post-secondary students as a mental health counsellor and professor, and managing workshops, and community and fundraising events for not-for-profit organizations.
If you have questions about epilepsy or functional seizures, or would like some support to deal with its impact on your life, I hope you’ll reach out!