Epilepsy Employment Group (EEG) is a Job Search Support Group for people living with epilepsy hosted by our Employment Services Department. This group is meeting online via Zoom regularly every Thursday afternoon. Meetings will alternate between a featured topic and general discussion. Please feel free to join in and meet some new people, swap points of view, and learn a thing or two!
What makes EEG support groups unique is that participants determine the content and staff respond in kind. Whether discussing memory, stress, accommodations, disclosure, and any other of a number of topics, EEG offers a program in a safe space that’s informative, practical, and supportive.
For more information or to rsvp for the next EEG, contact Carter at carter@epilepsytoronto.org .

On Thursday November 26 we are pleased to welcome Nila Anandane to our EEG group. Nila will be discussing Self Care During a Pandemic. Nila is a Wellness Consultant and Teacher and the principle of Nila’s Mystic School. Nila will be sharing her knowledge and wisdom regarding techniques to help you feel relaxed during tough times. She will also introduce self-management techniques to help with depression and anxiety and improving memory.
For the past 25 years, Nila has assisted hundreds of people with their respective earthly or spiritual journeys. Some of her many services include spiritual guidance, healing, Ayurveda, reiki, and much more. Nila teaches in person through the Nila Mystic School, as well as online.