What is ACT for Caregivers?
ACT stands for Acceptance and Commitment Training
ACT for Caregivers seeks to help individuals struggle less with difficult experiences and feelings and mindfully connect with the things that are most important to them. The program does not attempt to change or stop unwanted thoughts, but to develop a new mindful relationship with those experiences. Participants learn to become more open and live more consistently with who and what they care about.
ACT for Caregivers is a group program created by clinicians, caregivers, and researchers at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) and University Health Network (UHN). The workshop was designed to promote mental health and well-being among family members, by learning together through “experiential” exercises. It is now offered at partner organizations throughout Canada that serve individuals and families impacted by neurodevelopmental disabilities. Our team at Epilepsy Toronto has been trained in this approach and we are excited to offer this innovative program to caregivers at our organization.
Visit the ACT for Caregivers website to learn more about the program.
Who should attend?
The ACT for Caregivers workshop at Epilepsy Toronto is geared towards parents and caregivers caring for or supporting a child or an adult (of any age) living with epilepsy. You may be experiencing stress, low mood, or worry in your caregiving role. This program is open to parents and caregivers who reside in Ontario.
Clients who have participated in UPLIFT for Caregivers at Epilepsy Toronto are eligible to join this workshop. We are also hoping to recruit participants interested in becoming ACT for Caregivers workshop peer facilitators at Epilepsy Toronto in the future.

What’s involved?
The workshop consists of five 2-hour weekly evening sessions on Zoom. Each session includes experiential activities and discussions designed to convey the core concepts of ACT and stimulate self-reflection and learning.
Unlike other workshops for parents and caregivers supporting individuals with disabilities or health conditions, this group is not about your child or the person you are caring for. It is focused on YOU and your well-being. In this group, you will learn by doing and participating, offering a chance for you to learn and practice new skills.
Mindfulness and acceptance are important components of ACT. You will learn to weave mindful awareness into the things you already do every day. Becoming more mindful also helps us be more present in daily life, engaging more fully with the present moment and opening ourselves up to the full spectrum of experiences, including difficult thoughts and emotions.
Though this workshop is designed to teach skills and tools for caregivers to help better manage their own challenges in relation to their role as a caregiver, it is not a workshop designed to provide therapy. We recognize that every caregiver is at a different stage in their journey. For this reason, an Epilepsy Toronto counsellor will reach out to you if you register for the group to make sure it’s a good fit for you and your needs.
Who are the facilitators?
ACT for Caregivers is co-facilitated by an Epilepsy Toronto counsellor and a parent/caregiver peer-facilitator with lived experience caring for a child or adult with epilepsy.
How much will it cost?
The ACT for Caregivers workshop is offered to clients of Epilepsy Toronto free of charge. We always welcome donations of any amount in support of our programs and services. Click HERE to make a donation.
What is the evidence behind the workshops?
ACT for Caregivers workshops have been extensively researched, and show significant improvements to caregiver well-being, including levels of stress, anxiety, and depression.

What do I need to participate?
We ask participants to commit to the following:
- Attending all five sessions. ACT workshops are experiential, and the exercises build upon each other, so it’s important to attend all the sessions.
- Joining from a computer or tablet (i.e., a device with a screen big enough to see all participants on Zoom and/or access screen sharing options). Phones are not ideal – it’s best to be able to see the facilitators and other participants.
- Participating from a private space in your home, ideally with headphones. For confidentiality reasons, it’s important to be in a separate space, and headphones are even better. This also helps you to fully engage in the session without interruptions.
- Actively participating in group exercises and discussions, with your video on. This is not a webinar in which you just listen in while multitasking. Although we understand that sometimes there are interruptions in life, we hope that most of the time you’ll have your screen on to engage fully with the material and with each other.
- An openness to try new things and to do some sharing with others. Again, not just listening – all participants will have opportunities to share to their level of comfort.
How to register
To register for an upcoming ACT for Caregivers group at Epilepsy Toronto, please click the registration button below. You will be contacted by the group facilitator once your form is received. Once all spaces are full, we will start a waitlist for the next session.
Please note that if you have not yet completed an intake meeting at Epilepsy Toronto (or if it has been more than 2 years since you did), we will arrange one prior to the start of the group to ensure the group will be a good fit for you and your goals. Intake meetings are typically 45-60 minutes and can take place virtually or in person at our office.
Upcoming dates
Winter 2025
- Weekly sessions: Thursdays, March 20 to April 17, 2025 (5 weeks); 6:00 – 8:00 pm