NEW! Join us for a fun morning of storytelling activities. We are excited to welcome Epilepsy Toronto community member and children’s book author, Cassy Potichnyj and co-author Elley Ray Hennessy. Cassy and Elley will lead a read-aloud of their new book, My Shaky World, and Cassy will share her journey as an author who aims to inspire others through her experiences with epilepsy. Kids will then be able to participate in creative activities and games focused on sharing their stories, along with peer connection.
📅When: Friday, January 17 (TDSB/TCDSB PD Day for kids), 10:00 -11:30am
✅ Registration: Contact Elana for more information and click here to register.
More information:Â This is a drop-off program for school-age children with epilepsy and siblings; parents are welcome to stay in our office lounge during the event.