UPLIFT stands for “Using Practice and Learning to Increase Favourable Thoughts”. It is a mindfulness-based cognitive behavioural therapy program that improves depression, and overall psychological quality of life. Groups of 5-8 adults meet virtually for an hour once a week for 8 weeks.
The sessions teach valuable coping strategies and topics that include: coping and relaxing, monitoring thoughts, and preventing future low moods.
Participants must:
- be at least 18 years old
- have epilepsy, seizures, or a seizure disorder; or be a caretaker for someone who is
- and be struggling with depression or anxiety.
This 8-week session takes place on Thursdays, from Jan 14 to March 4, and is being led by Rosie Smith, Director of Epilepsy Toronto’s Adult Services. This session is now full.
If you are interested in being part of future UPLIFT program sessions, please complete an UPLIFT form.