
Caregivers of Children with Epilepsy Support Group


Are you a parent or caregiver of a child living with epilepsy? Do you want to meet other parents who share similar feelings and emotions associated with raising a child with seizures? From school issues to family dynamics; from relationship stressors to safety tips. Meet online with other amazing parents and increase your current epilepsy […]


Epilepsy Employment Group (EEG)


Epilepsy Employment Group (EEG) is a Job Search Support Group for people living with epilepsy. This group is meeting online via Zoom regularly every Thursday afternoon. Meetings will alternate between a featured topic and a general discussion. Join in and meet some new people, swap points of view, and learn a thing or two! What […]


The Social Club


Are you craving some social time with old friends, or a chance to make some new ones? Join John Spataro, on Thursdays at 7pm for an online Social Club. A chance to connect with other members of the Epilepsy Toronto community, engage in lively conversations, catch up with old friends or maybe make new ones.  Come drop […]


Tuesday Trivia


TTest your knowledge of all things trivial, at our interactive weekly Trivia Night! Join Recreation Group Coordinator, John Spataro, as he leads the games and the fun.  Invite your family or household members to join in too - everyone is welcome!Interested in joining this group?  Please speak with your Epilepsy Toronto counsellor or complete an intake […]


Wednesday Bingo!


Turn 'hump day' into BINGO DAY with weekly Wednesday afternoon Bingo! What better way to add some fun to the middle of your week? Join Recreation Manager, John Spataro and your friends at Epilepsy Toronto for a fun-filled afternoon.Interested in joining this group?  Please speak with your Epilepsy Toronto counsellor or complete an intake form to be […]


Parents Of Adults Living with Epilepsy Support Group


 A support group for parents of adults living with epilepsy. This support group is led by a peer facilitator and welcomes new participants to join in and learn from other parents who "get it."  Access peer support, learn about helpful resources and connect with other caregivers through sharing experiences. For more information email us at [email protected].  For more information on how to join this group, please […]


Epilepsy Employment Group (EEG)


Epilepsy Employment Group (EEG) is a Job Search Support Group for people living with epilepsy. This group is meeting online via Zoom regularly every Thursday afternoon. Meetings will alternate between a featured topic and a general discussion. Join in and meet some new people, swap points of view, and learn a thing or two! What […]


The Social Club


Are you craving some social time with old friends, or a chance to make some new ones? Join John Spataro, on Thursdays at 7pm for an online Social Club. A chance to connect with other members of the Epilepsy Toronto community, engage in lively conversations, catch up with old friends or maybe make new ones.  Come drop […]


Tuesday Trivia


TTest your knowledge of all things trivial, at our interactive weekly Trivia Night! Join Recreation Group Coordinator, John Spataro, as he leads the games and the fun.  Invite your family or household members to join in too - everyone is welcome!Interested in joining this group?  Please speak with your Epilepsy Toronto counsellor or complete an intake […]


Wednesday Bingo!


Turn 'hump day' into BINGO DAY with weekly Wednesday afternoon Bingo! What better way to add some fun to the middle of your week? Join Recreation Manager, John Spataro and your friends at Epilepsy Toronto for a fun-filled afternoon.Interested in joining this group?  Please speak with your Epilepsy Toronto counsellor or complete an intake form to be […]