JAAG (Job Action and Accountability Group

JAAG Job Action, Accountability, Job Search Group, Epilepsy employment, Epilepsy support.

JAAG, standing for Job Action And Accountability Group, operates with precision and efficiency. Our mission is clear: to support and empower serious job searchers in their quest for employment success.

Every other Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. members of JAAG gather to talk about their job search strategies. The meeting starts with introductions, where participants succinctly outline their previous week’s activities, articulate their objectives for the upcoming week, and identify any obstacles hindering their progress in the job search.

Strategic Networking: 

Following the structured portion of the meeting, JAAG opens the floor to structured networking. This phase is designed to foster collaboration and problem-solving among members. Leveraging each experience and network, JAAG aims to provide actionable solutions to the challenges faced by its members.

Deployment Schedule: 

JAG operates on a rotational basis, led alternately by Jesse and Michelle, seasoned veterans in the employment services field. Their guidance ensures that each session maintains the highest standards of accountability and support.

Join us for our soft launch on Tuesday, June 4 from 2-3 pm. For more registering contact: Jesse@epilepsytoronto.org