Epilepsy Surgery Webinar

Headshot of Dr. Taufik Valiante, wearing a suit, glasses and smiling broadly.

The March Awareness webinar, featuring Dr. Taufik Valiante and hosted on Zoom, will provide a comprehensive update on advancements in epilepsy surgery and research initiatives at the University Health Network (UHN).

In the session, Dr. Valiante will highlight the innovative surgical program at UHN, emphasizing personalized care tailored to individual patient needs, and will discuss new surgical approaches to epilepsy treatment, focusing on Electroencephalography (EEG) and Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy (LITT). These cutting-edge techniques offer enhanced precision and minimally invasive procedures, promising improved outcomes for patients. Dr. Valiante will also delve into his groundbreaking research in the ‘Neuron to Brain’ lab, and the potential impact on the future of epilepsy care.

Attendees will gain valuable insights into the evolving landscape of epilepsy surgery and research, with opportunities to engage in discussions and pose questions to Dr. Valiante.