Epilepsy Awareness Month

6 images all depicting epilepsy misconceptions. Part of a photography exhibit called 'Epilepsy Misconceptions' by Sarah Hasenaj. Text: Epilepsy Awareness Month, Epilepsy Misconceptions.

Someone you know has epilepsy.

1 in 100 people across Canada are living with epilepsy and thousands of people across Toronto and the GTA are impacted by this condition…

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Text: How much do you know about seizures and epilepsy. Take this quiz to find out.
Not everyone smells burnt toast before a seizure.

You can swallow your tongue during a seizure.

A seizure can be as simple as a stare.

Epilepsy is not contagious.

Always call 911 if you see someone having a seizure.

There is no cure for epilepsy

Epilepsy is a mental illness.

People with epilepsy can't drive cars.

Epilepsy Misconceptions by Sarah Hysenaj

Artist Sarah Hysenaj created her photo series Epilepsy Misconceptions to help educate others about myths and misconceptions about epilepsy.
Misconceptions about epilepsy persist in large part due to a lengthy history of inaccurate information portrayed in the media and beyond. The lasting stigma surrounding epilepsy makes it difficult for many to change the narrative and educate others on the facts. This self-portrait series is intended to dispel some of the most common misconceptions.
Learn more about the artist.

Thank you for educating yourself about epilepsy and seizures. Today, you helped make the world a safer and more accepting place for those living with epilepsy.

 Epilepsy Toronto depends on your support. Your generosity allows us to provide free support services to people in need and together, we can end the stigma surrounding epilepsy.

About the Artist

Sarah’s Story

At eleven years old I sat in a doctor’s office next to my mother being told my strange uncontrollable shaking was epilepsy. I had no clue what that word meant, much less what a seizure was. All I knew was this condition was about to have a profound effect on my life in the years to come.

Despite the challenges I’ve faced, epilepsy also gave me community, purpose and inspiration. After that day in the doctor’s office I started to work to raise awareness about epilepsy and I haven’t stopped since.Epilepsy Toronto provides free support services and programs for people living with epilepsy and seizure disorders. They helped me and my family understand my condition and they were there for us throughout my epilepsy journey.


Sarah Hysenaj completed her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography at Metropolitan University in Toronto. She is now a professional artist living and working in Jasper, Alberta. She enjoys working with both digital and analog technologies and is currently creating prints and multi-media works. Her series of self-portraits, Epilepsy Misconceptions, was selected by Epilepsy Toronto and ArtworxTO to be displayed in College Park as part of the ArtworxTO: Toronto’s Year of Public Art 2021–2022,  a celebration of Toronto’s exceptional public art collection and the creative community behind it. 

Visit Sarah’s website here.